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Social Media and Me!

October 30, 2012
Seriously, I joined Facebook with my DJ character from Star Trek Online, and I personally am on Twitter now as well. Some of you might know that I am no fan of "the box" or social media in mass. While these two are no exceptions I can see how the global infrastructure is leaning ever more to this new mindset. While I use those about as often as I post a new blog, i.e. once a month or when ever I remember to sit down and do so. 

I have some sad news to report; My lab has been down graded in favor of maintaining my health. That should be read as I am not going to be able to upgrade or rebuild a independent lab as I do so enjoy having a roof over my head and food on the table. This does not currently effect my "work shop" for chainmaile as that can be done at a small desk setup and does not require any sort of fire/explosion protection. What this does effect is the promise that I would be bringing you some rudimentary science experiments as I do not have the ability to build, machine, or extrapolate singularities of any sort.

My 3D work continues for the most part. There are some issues with not having enough space on my computer to hold the now massive amounts of textures that I have collected to utilize, however that is also in the works for correction directly above the new lab and under (somewhere) the keeping of the house and or moving to a new house.

Yes my wife and I are looking into moving in the next three to four years if every things gets settled properly. If we move the Lab will be next on the list, then I will be diving back into my "deep sciences" and engineering. Lots of clock work is planed out, some Water clocks and some displacement experiments as well.

Programing has me pulling out my hair, I have decided to focus entirely on C++ and drop the Python. There are a couple of projects that I have lined up, they are a bit more than I can handle for quite some time. But one day I will get there, for now I am working some basic calculators, RNG's, and statistic predictors. These will be used in conjunction with my pen&paper games, and some of the science experiments that I will start working on when the Lab if completed.

Also I am thinking about dropping the Blog in favor of a Vlog with a text overview of the the content and any bits that I might have forgotten. This once a week thing simply does not work well for me as I have been writing this one entry for better than an hour. I generally have to get up and leave it sitting for far to long before I can get back to it and by then I have forgotten what topic I was on and where I was going.

In short; Things have changed in favor of unstable planes and the world si upside down compaired to the rest of my universe.


Big Bada Boom....

September 7, 2012
    The last two weeks have been an overall nightmare; from supply mishaps and bad shipping, to a death in the family that has the entire crew turned on it's ear. Not to mention the various bits and bobs that go bad along the way.
My weekly show was canceled due to a malfunction in the hardware that I am unable to hunt down. Or it is something to do with my broadcasting software. Either way it is now a persistent issue as it occurred the week prior and needs to be sorted out before I pull the ...
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Twigg Yargh; and that is all.
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